Friday, May 17, 2013

Houston, we have a problem.

No clever quotes, no sentimental posts, no fun. Tonight, I'm not beating around the bush, I'm going to give it to everyone nice and clear.

First things first, I'm a terrible blogger and I apologize greatly for neglecting my blogging responsibilities. I will try to do better in the future.

Secondly, I am "en route" to Peru. At this moment, I am sitting, enjoying a nice creamy vanilla milkshake at Johnny Rockets in the Quito Airport (Ecuador). This is a pleasant pick-me-up, seeing as my experience has been pretty horrific so far. 

My biggest fear while traveling has always been that somewhere, some company would lose my luggage; not to crash, not for my plane to be hijacked and not even to get kidnapped. Bless my heart, this hadn't happened to me in the past. However, on this trip, I have not been so lucky. Somewhere between Montreal, Houston and Quito my luggage has disappeared. Not cool United Airlines. Now, I'm not going to point fingers or anything, but I'm totally blaming the mishap in Houston for my luggage not being transferred. We, "apparently" collided with a bird upon our initial lift off in Houston, Texas. So, the pilot thought it would be best to land the plane and have airport maintenance check everything out. Which was fine by me. What I was not to happy about was the three hour delay, attendant change and plane transfer. I understand planes a big flying machines, but common'! People had places to go. Thankfully, I was not one of these people (my layover was supposed to last 8 hours), but apparently my luggage didn't have anywhere to go either. As it is, most probably, still in Houston. 

It's been a long day; I'm grumpy and scummy, so I might be overreacting, but I would like to give United Airlines two GIANT middle fingers. The staff, generally, was twice as grumpy as I am now. The two plane rides were rocky. We didn't get fed. We were initially supposed to pay 8$ for in-flight television. And now they lost my luggage. I am not impressed, and most probably will not fly United again. It has been the worst flying experience thus far (and I've been on a plane that literally bounced and lift-off and landing).

On the bright side, if you remember my last post, I wrote about the people we meet while traveling. Well, I met this lovely girl who goes by the name Nicole on my flight. She was seated with my boyfriend and I, and was absolutely kind and delightful. I cannot put it any other way. In only a few short hours, I felt completely comfortable around this woman. She is also quite the traveler and I think she can offer more insight than I can in a few areas, so, check out her blog:

That is my silver lining. I'm just counting on seeing those cute little Peruvian faces,  hearing the adorable Spanish accents and just taking the entire experience in.

In the meantime, I'll be posting whenever I have Internet and the time! If you want updates and news, check here! You can also follow me on Instagram (@sqeeks). I'll surely be posting pictures!

Here's to hoping my luggage catches up with me,

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOOOOOO! United is a bunch of douche canoes.
    Hope the luggage comes soon miss!

    Enjoy Peru, wish I was there too :)
